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Sharing secret data in Kubernetes

Sharing secret data in Kubernetes

Contributing to Mesos: Where to begin

Contributing to Mesos: Where to begin

Yelp open sources its PaaSTA platform, powered by Mesos and Marathon

Yelp open sources its PaaSTA platform, powered by Mesos and Marathon

Working with NVIDIA to bring GPUs and deep learning to DCOS | D2iQ

Working with NVIDIA to bring GPUs and deep learning to DCOS | D2iQ

Doing continuous delivery on the DCOS with CircleCI

Doing continuous delivery on the DCOS with CircleCI

Scaling Jenkins using DCOS and Marathon

Scaling Jenkins using DCOS and Marathon

How Mattermark uses Mesos and Marathon to make the most of AWS

How Mattermark uses Mesos and Marathon to make the most of AWS

Hardening Kubernetes on the DCOS with etcd-mesos

Hardening Kubernetes on the DCOS with etcd-mesos

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