DKP Edge/IoT
Kubernetes at the Edge

Why Use DKP Edge IoT?

Ensure Zero Downtime

Securely Connect to Edge and IoT Devices

Deploy Kubernetes to the Edge at Scale

Centralized Management and Governance
DKP Edge/IoT Features and Benefits
Operational Dashboard
Gives you instant visibility and operational efficiency into the Kubernetes landscape from a single-view control plane.
Cluster Analytics
Enables you to collect, normalize, and infer cluster performance, workload metrics, data services, user and cluster activities, and more, to deliver better resource utilization.
Centralized Observability
Enables you to gain deep insight into your Kubernetes clusters and applications with open-source metrics leveraging Telegraf, Prometheus, and Grafana.
Service Catalog
Provision, spin up, and deprovision EKS and AKS clusters in a fully automated way.
Cluster Auto-scaling
Enables you to save operational costs by scaling down capability when it’s not needed, and to add capacity when there is greater demand.
Lifecycle Automation
Ensures consistent upgrades, deployment, and security policies for infrastructure (through CAPI) and applications (through FluxCD).
Networking and Routing
Enables unidirectional connectivity between the control plane and clusters with Kubetunnel.
Governance Policy Administration
Enables you to meet the requirements of security and audit teams with centralized cluster policy management.
Service Mesh Integration
Provides advanced networking capabilities, such as multi-cluster and cross-cluster service discovery, load balancing, and security across a variety of hybrid, multi-cloud, and air-gapped environments.
Centralized Authorization and Authentication
Enables single sign-on (SSO) across an organization’s cluster footprint and govern authorization with RBAC and Open Policy Access to enhance security and reduce risk.
World-Class Service and Support
DKP Edge/IoT is available with Premium 24x7 support or Confirmed Stateside Support (CSS) 24x7 options. Your success is ensured by the dedicated service of an expert support team with years of experience developing and implementing Kubernetes technology.
Expert Training
D2iQ is a Certified Kubernetes Training Partner (KTP) and delivers instructor-led courses that can equip your staff with the skills and knowledge to successfully plan, build, and operate on Day 2 in production, both for Kubernetes and its supporting platform services.
D2iQ has a customer that is happy and we have strong attention in the market. It’s a win/win situation