This post of our Mesosphere HackWeek series covers the work carried out by community members around the integration of Apache Mesos and Apache Cassandra.
Cassandra is a NoSQL database designed to provide low-latency operations on large amounts of data spread across commodity servers or datacenters. It was developed by Facebook, and
is now used by Instagram, Spotify, eBay and more, in use cases ranging from playlists
to the Internet of Things. It's also heavily used in the Mesos ecosystem:
Chronos, for example, uses Cassandra for job history, reporting and statistics.
During the HackWeek,
Albert Tobey from our partner DataStax, the commercial entity behind Cassandra, and
Ben Whitehead from Mesosphere worked on improving the stateful Cassandra for Mesos service.
Here are the previous posts in the Mesosphere HackWeek series: