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The State of Cloud Native Ecosystems in 2018 [Infographic]

Our new Mesosphere report reveals how hybrid, multi-cloud and Kubernetes are transforming the data center

Nov 05, 2018

Alex Hisaka


6 min read

The writing's on the wall: Today's IT organizations must embrace new tactics and technology to stay in lockstep with evolving customer expectations. Our latest report - the D2iQ 2018 Cloud Native Ecosystem Report - bears this out.
What tactics and technology are we talking about? Our research revealed some notable trends that set forward-thinking companies apart, as well as the considerations that are most important to buyer's today:
Prepare Your Data Center for Hybrid
Due to a variety of reasons such as vendor lock-in, security, flexibility, and more, many companies are opting for hybrid deployments. Hybrid has been a great model for many organizations, regardless of company size and vertical. Compared to 2016, hybrid deployment has grown by 33%, becoming more prevalent than cloud-only deployments.
Expect Multi-Cloud to Keep Making Waves
Related to the growth in hybrid deployments over the past year, there has also been a surge in multi-cloud deployments. In fact, one in every four organizations are using multiple cloud service providers, including Google, Azure, AWS, and "Other." Since 2016, we've seen a 2x increase in this use case.
Kubernetes is King in Container Orchestration
Kubernetes is the most popular ecosystem workload users are launching on Mesosphere. The average user runs three or more services on Mesosphere, with some users running 11 different services on the same cluster. The growth of Kubernetes usage on Mesosphere clearly echoes its popularity in the market, and customers are adopting Kubernetes and leveraging DC/OS for automation and management.
To read the full report, download the D2iQ 2018 Cloud Native Ecosystem Report.

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