
Apache Mesos and Mesosphere - an introduction by Florian Leibert

Aug 05, 2014

Max Breuer


2 min read

On July 31, Mesosphere CEO and Co-Founder Florian Leibert hosted a live webcast providing a comprehensive overview of the Apache Mesos technology and Mesosphere. We recorded the webcast to make it accessible to you.
In this video you will learn:
  • How Twitter used Mesos to eliminate the "fail whale"
  • Why Mesos is important to companies of any size
  • How Mesosphere extends the value of Mesos and brings it to enterprises as a complete product offering
  • How Mesosphere reduces operational complexity and increases developer velocity
  • How Mesosphere reduces total cost of ownership and ultimately increases the competitiveness of your business
  • How to use Mesosphere in your own datacenter or in a public cloud like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Compute Engine (GCE)
You will also learn how Mesos and Mesosphere are being used by well-known brands, including Twitter, Airbnb, and Hubspot to improve their operational effectiveness and save money. Learn how Twitter has scaled its service, running Mesos on tens of thousands of nodes. Learn how Airbnb has reduced its operational complexity, running it's entire data stack on Mesos. And learn how Hubspot has figured out how to use Mesos to reduce it's Amazon Web Services bill by 65%.
The video also includes a live demo of Mesosphere running on Amazon Web Services and then concludes with live viewer Q&A.

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