For more than five years, DC/OS has enabled some of the largest, most sophisticated enterprises in the world to achieve unparalleled levels of efficiency, reliability, and scalability from their IT infrastructure. But now it is time to pass the torch to a new generation of technology: the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP). Why? Kubernetes has now achieved a level of capability that only DC/OS could formerly provide and is now evolving and improving far faster (as is true of its supporting ecosystem). That’s why we have chosen to sunset DC/OS, with an end-of-life date of October 31, 2021. With DKP, our customers get the same benefits provided by DC/OS and more, as well as access to the most impressive pace of innovation the technology world has ever seen. This was not an easy decision to make, but we are dedicated to enabling our customers to accelerate their digital transformations, so they can increase the velocity and responsiveness of their organizations to an ever-more challenging future. And the best way to do that right now is with DKP.

5 min read
- I will listen to your concerns - This one might sound obvious, but the fact is that Mesosphere hasn't had the bandwidth to comprehensively track community concerns before. Lots of awesome Mesosphere employees (and other community members; thank you!) have been answering technical questions on slack and the mailing list, but they haven't had the resources to track and address issues with the DC/OS community itself, or how Mesosphere interacts with its fellow members. I will be doing just that, so please keep bringing up your great ideas and any concerns!
- I will increase transparency - My dad used to tell me that possession is nine tenths of the law; I think that saying holds true for information even more than physical belongings. I would eventually like the community to possess all the information that Mesosphere has about DC/OS (its current state, and the direction of its progress) so that it can truly own DC/OS. Feel free to request any types of information you'd like to see sooner rather than later, and I'll do my best to get it out there. In the last couple weeks I've already heard a few requests that we're working on. For example, we're going to be publishing more design docs, migration guides, and other update announcements. It's hard to know what we don't know, so I expect we will iterate on this faster as Mesosphere gets more proactive about sharing information with its fellow community members.
- I will advocate for community concerns - While DC/OS was closed source, Mesosphere made decisions about the direction of DC/OS as a product, and contributed substantial resources toward developing it. Having open sourced the code, we are now building the processes to fairly incorporate community feedback about the direction of DC/OS. We want every community member to have a say proportional to their commitment to the project. Eventually there will be a systematic way for Mesosphere's fellow community members to speak up, but in the meantime if you have concerns about DC/OS or the community let me know, and I will make sure they are heard.
- If something seems weird, bring it up - From unclear documentation to cryptic communication from community members (including Mesosphere, and me), weird stuff happens, and it's worth noting rather than glossing over. Please bring up weird stuff (for example, opacity about whether features are open or enterprise) either to me personally or the community in general. It could be a good opportunity for improvement!
- Please reach out to me this week, even if it's just to say hi - I'm newer to the DC/OS community than many of you, and the thing I'm looking forward to the most about my work here is getting to know each of you. Please send me a note and introduce yourself; I'd love to open up a conversation! My slack handle is judith.mesosphere, and my email is Ping me any time.