2 min read
- Concerning job history, based on your feedback, we added fields such as start & end time, duration, and whether it finished successfully or failed. We're now also using a second-level resolution. Internally, the history is stored based on the job name and the task ID (instance of the job executed), giving fine-grained access.
- An improved UI (see also screenshot, below): on top of the already mentioned job history, we now add the following job traits which are configurable: cpu, mem, disk, and priority. Also, we added owner and job description fields to job definition, which should help you when troubleshooting things.
- Framework authentication: inheriting this property from Apache Mesos, you can learn more about it through the respective section in the docs.
- Last but not least, in the 2.3.3 release we made sure that we're in sync with latest version of Apache Mesos and Chaos.