
Chronos 2.3.3 released

Apr 30, 2015

Elizabeth Lingg


2 min read

Scheduling recurring jobs reliably and at scale can be a challenge. In the Apache Mesos ecosystem, we have Chronos, a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler that allows us to do exactly this.
Now, we're proud to announce the availability of Chronos version 2.3.3 that was released on 20 April. This release not only come with a number of bug fixes, as you would expect, but also has some pretty cool new stuff:
  • Concerning job history, based on your feedback, we added fields such as start & end time, duration, and whether it finished successfully or failed. We're now also using a second-level resolution. Internally, the history is stored based on the job name and the task ID (instance of the job executed), giving fine-grained access.
  • An improved UI (see also screenshot, below): on top of the already mentioned job history, we now add the following job traits which are configurable: cpu, mem, disk, and priority. Also, we added owner and job description fields to job definition, which should help you when troubleshooting things.
  • Framework authentication: inheriting this property from Apache Mesos, you can learn more about it through the respective section in the docs.
  • Last but not least, in the 2.3.3 release we made sure that we're in sync with latest version of Apache Mesos and Chaos.
Mesosphere partnered with Michael Ngo and Aimee Morgan from Flixster. We would like to thank them as well as the Chronos community for their contributions. Last but not least: Chronos is now fully integrated in the DCOS and you can try it yourself by signing up here.

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