Use Cases

How to build Apache Mesos on Mac OSX with the Eclipse IDE

How to build Apache Mesos on Mac OSX with the Eclipse IDE

MySQL on Mesos: today's database meets tomorrow's datacenter

MySQL on Mesos: today's database meets tomorrow's datacenter

Continuous deployment with Mesos, Marathon and Docker

Continuous deployment with Mesos, Marathon and Docker

Scalable predictive analytics with Palladium and Marathon

Scalable predictive analytics with Palladium and Marathon

Integration testing with Mesos, Chronos and Docker

Integration testing with Mesos, Chronos and Docker

Deploying the Crate distributed database using Mesos and Marathon

Deploying the Crate distributed database using Mesos and Marathon

Mesosphere's Marathon is on fire

Mesosphere's Marathon is on fire

Containerize your batch jobs with Mesosphere and Docker!

Containerize your batch jobs with Mesosphere and Docker!

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