7 Steps to Kubernetes Adoption

7 Steps to Kubernetes Adoption

Learn how to simplify Kubernetes adoption and get to Day 2 production faster in 7 Steps

Adopting Kubernetes is often very difficult, but it doesn't have to be. By committing to a cloud-first and curated application approach, organizations can avoid some of the biggest challenges that plague Kubernetes deployments. 

7 Steps to Kubernetes Adoption

  1. Align deployment with business goals
    Ensure platform meets criteria for modernization, agility, speed to market, air-gapped security, edge/IoT, AI/ML, fast data pipelines, smart cloud-native innovation, industry-specific apps, etc.

  2. Ensure top-down buy-in from organization – culture is key
    Full executive and IT support increases success rate

  3. Create a clear and comprehensive strategy for all phases of deployment–Day 0 to Day 2 and beyond
    Ensure platform will deploy easily and meet all  operational requirements for logging, monitoring, resilience, security, observability, governance, manageability, and extensibility

  4. Future-proof your platform: Ensure your platform will be able to keep pace with continual innovation
    Establish a foundation that meets all the current needs and can accommodate new capabilities as they arise, rather than deploying point solutions

  5. Choose your partner based on quality of platform and people
    Choose a vendor with the most stable, open, reliable, easily deployed, and easily managed platform, supported by the most experienced and skilled training and support staff

  6. Eliminate skills gap
    Upskill DevOps staff through dedicated expert training, and ease of DevOps management through platform automation and user-friendly interfaces

  7. Deploy platform
    Deploy in minutes vs. weeks or months and meet all Day 2 operational needs  (logging, monitoring, resilience, security, observability, governance, manageability, and extensibility)

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